Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Spicy Buffalo Cauliflower

Alright, I've decided to take a break from writing a lecture on the reproductive system. Basically because I can already hear the giggles coming from the corner of the room when I start describing the anatomy of a vagina. And these are college students. Plus, I can't decide if want to include actual pictures of genital herpes and gummas from syphilis or not. I would hope the effect and response would be:  Boom. Practice safe sex folks. And then they do. But I have a feeling it's more like: Ew. Egh. I think I just threw up a little in my mouth. Then proceed to go out and do everything I suggest they don't do, like bang everything that walks. Did I just date myself with the use of the word "bang?"

Anyway, now that you're all thinking about herpes and syphilis, lets talk food. Particularly cauliflower. It really is the worst thing I could put in this post now, I know. I'm sorry. I'm going to do it anyway. Why? Because cauliflower is awesome. And this cauliflower is ammmazing. Really it is. My brother who only eats cauliflower smothered in cheese, ate this cauliflower.

I pinned this recipe awhile ago on Pinterest. It comes from an original post on Clean Green Simple but the recipe I used was from a blog called Bullfrogs and Bulldogs. The recipe looked simple, quick, tasty and reasonably healthy. So, why not give it a try. I used what I had on hand in this recipe, as usual.

Spicy Buffalo Cauliflower

1 head cauliflower
  1 c. almond flour
  3/4 c. water
  1 tblsp. franks redhot (I used the thick version)
  1 tsp. salt
Buffalo Sauce:
  1/4 c. franks redhot
  1/4 c. olive oil

Cut the cauliflower into bite size pieces. Mix batter ingredients in a large bowl with a lid. Once the batter is mixed mixed well I just tossed all of the cauliflower into the bowl, put the lid on and shook it all around until all the cauliflower was covered completely and evenly. Spread in a single layer on a pan covered in foil or  parchment paper that is also greased and bake at 450F for 20 mins. You want them to bake until the batter is hard. Pull the pan out to then brush the cauliflower with the buffalo sauce. I really loaded the buffalo sauce on. Bake for another 10 mins. I let mine go a little longer because I like the taste of roasted cauliflower so I wanted them on the crispy side. And Enjoy!

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