Sunday, May 19, 2013

Ramps, ramps, ramps....

I love all seasons. Each one of them has something fabulous to offer, but spring just has something special about it. I'm not sure if it's the freshness it brings, the birth of brand new little things (vertebrates, invertebrates or otherwise) or the warmth that starts to come with the change of air. Actually, it's probably all of those things.

So, to indulge in all of those things I took a stroll through the woods the other day when the weather was particularly nice and came across.......ramps! I had no intention of picking ramps that day and forgot they were in season. However, I couldn't pass up the opportunity.

In case you don't know, ramps are similar to leeks or spring onions that grow in the wild (in eastern North America and are native here). They seem to grow near creeks or river beds that have slight tree canopies to allow light through. Or at least that's where they tend to grow in our area. They tend to take over once present. Nonetheless, they only last a few weeks during mid to late spring. They look much like a green onion, but the stalk is leafier. All you need to pick them is a garden fork and some hands. Once you get them out of the ground, just pull off the little protective layer of skin around the bulb, rinse them off and they're ready to go.

Culinary-wise, they don't have a strong onion taste and in fact I think they have a taste all of their own. I like them on top of burgers and sandwiches, paired with eggs or in a salad. I'm also told that they are considered a delicacy in Canada and some people pay a pretty penny for them in restaurants in the U.S., which all seems a little silly to me. I suppose I am blessed.

This time I just decided to drizzle them with a little extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper and grill them until tender. They're good just like that people! I promise.  We were also having hamburgers that day, so I set some atop a heap of ground beef, provolone, and tomatoes. Absolutely perfect spring meal.

So, next time you're strolling through the woods keep your eyes out and spend a little time inspecting what you're stepping might just be ramps.

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