Thursday, August 8, 2013

Blueberry Basil Smoothie

So, I am currently teaching a very content laden course in just 5 weeks. This course is usually taught on a normal 15 week schedule and can be overwhelming even then. I understand why students register for this class, it seems like a great idea at first. Two main courses knocked off in just 10 weeks. Plus, most of them need to pass it to get into the nursing program that starts in the fall. I promise, it's not a great idea.

This week is week 4 or week 9 for those who took the first and second classes back to back. I could tell today that it was getting to them. They would not stop giggling!

At one point there was a story about a a girl (who had the misfortune to lose her arm at some point) who is friends with a little person (they were not politically correct, by the way). Apparently, they both got drunk one night and the story went on until it ended with one of the students going around mimicking the camel from that Geico commercial asking everyone what day it was. I have no idea how those two things came together, but they did.

It was hump day. And apparently that was a very funny fact.

One of these days I'm going to have enough smarts to write down the crazy things my students say when they're supposed to be working.

Fyi...giggling is contagious. I might have caught the affliction by the end of our 4 hours together too. But, I'll take it, because truth be told I'm usually dealing more with tears than giggles at this point in the course.

So, any good summer day that included copious amounts of giggling also needed to include a fabulous smoothie. You know, because giggling makes me thirsty.

You can now add this to your smoothie repertoire; if you enjoy basil and blueberries. I know I certainly do.

Blueberry Basil Smoothie
1 c blueberries
1/4 c almond milk
1 tblsp honey
5-7 medium/small  sized fresh basil leaves
handful of ice cubes

Throw everything in the blender (liquid first) and blend blend blend. You can add more honey to your sweet tooth liking.


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