Saturday, May 4, 2013's No-Equipment Workout

Although I have some go-to trusty workouts, I'm always looking for new ones. I find you get the best results when you're constantly changing it up. This way your body never adapts and you never become stagnant in your daily workout.  I also like anything that is going to rip my core to shreds; mostly because I have back problems so I will do anything to keep it strong.

Awhile ago I came across this routine on At first glance it seemed easy enough. 7 exercises (with a plyo type exercise in between), minimal reps and no equipment necessary. Well I've done it a few times now and it is NOT easy enough. My first time thru I was only able to do the jump squats in between the first few exercises, by the time I reached the pike exercise I was just trying to do any sort of cardio exercise in between (i.e. high knees, butt kicks, jumping jacks).

In any case, I'm seeing results. If anything there are definite results in my shoulders from all the plank type exercises. I suggest you give this one a try. All you need is a free wall, 20 mins AND some motivation.

The routine includes the following (everything is done against the wall):
leg squats and arm raises (12 reps/leg)
1 min. jump squats
1 min. side plank (both sides)
1 min. jump squats
1 min. mountain climbers
1 min. jump squats
leg raise with tricep dip (10 reps/leg)
1 min. jump squats
pike inverts (15 reps)
1 min. jump squats
booty bridge (15 reps)
1 min. jump squats
1 min. plank

Watch the video for exercise descriptions or check out the slide show at No-Equipment Workout

So, this has become one of my favorites. Let me know if you give it a try. And, if you have a great exercise routine you'd love to share, please share them in the comment section. I'd love to see what you guys are doing, so I can incorporate them too!

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