Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Tarragon Corn on the Cob

So, it's been a few weeks since I posted last. I had my family visiting for awhile, and as I get closer to the start of the semester I tend to get busier and busier. I love it....not really. I really enjoy lazy days. Some people say they'd go crazy without work or something to do. I'm not so sure I'm that person. 

In any case, I hope you all have been enjoying your summer and keeping busy. I know I have. 

Yet, I'm already becoming depressed in the fact that summer is almost over. So, I'm making it a priority to enjoy the weeks of august by spending every moment I can outside. Sooner than later the weather will be crummy and it will be months before I can go outside without wearing layers again. 

With the end of summer comes the abundance of sweet corn or corn on the cob. It is probably one of my favorite summer treats. I could eat it every day. Every day, I tell you.

So, I bring to you this recipe. Over the 4th of July I made this corn to take to our annual 4th of July picnic. I was a little leery. I was not sure how tarragon and soy sauce would go over with my traditional food eating family. Nonetheless, there were no left overs. So, there ya go. Never underestimate the palate of your family. 

The recipe for this corn was originally found on Taste of Home. It called for the corn to be wrapped in foil and grilled individually. No way was I wrapping 24 ears of corn in foil and grilling it before our picnic. I improvised, and it turned out pretty well. I promise that rarely happens for me. This recipe is for 4 ears of corn. I did not increase the recipe by six fold. I also improvised the amounts as well.

Tarragon Corn on the Cob
24 large ears sweet corn, husks removed
8 large springs tarragon, plus 2 tblsp minced
1 stick butter, melted
1/2 c soy sauce
1/4 c chicken broth

Prepare ears of corn by husking and removing silk. I cut them each in half and placed them in a foil lined roasting pan. Mix together the minced tarragon, melted butter, soy sauce and chicken broth. Pour this over the corn evenly. Randomly place tarragon sprigs on top of the corn and then cover corn tightly with foil. Bake at 350 degrees F for roughly 30 minutes. Just check it after 20 minutes to see if it is steamed to softness. 

I don't have a picture of this corn finished. I was in a rush that morning and didn't get a chance to take too many photos. Enjoy the recipe and let me know what you think!

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