Friday, August 24, 2012

Cranberried Kielbasa

Apologies, apologies, my sincerest apologies for not keeping up with my blog posts the last two weeks. We went on vacation for a week (which I may turn my travel destination into a blog post at some point), I had interviews and orientations. All excuses, so I apologize for my lack of dedication.

This blog post comes in the midst of my preparation of a lecture on protists. I needed a break from ameobas and slime mold, so I bring to you Cranberried Kielbasa.

It's easy, it's tasty, it's cheap. It goes with rice. It goes with noodles. It's adaptable and versatile, much like those protists.

Cranberried Kielbasa
2 large links (~1-1/2 lb) polish kielbasa 
2 15 oz cans whole cranberries
3/4 c brown sugar (depending on how sweet you want it)
1 c ketchup

Cut kielbasa links into 1 inch slices, add to slow cooker with remaining ingredients and mix. If it seems a little dry, add a touch of water. Cook in slow cooker for 2-3 hours on high or 4-6 hours on low. The longer you let this cook in the slower cooker the better it gets, the flavors come together so nicely. Serve over some cooked rice or buttered noodles.

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